Paid Memberships Pro: Nav Menus
How it Works
This plugin includes two key features: custom menu location areas by level and a custom membership menu widget. You can manage menus with as much granularity as you would like. Menus can be set to display for all members, logged-in non-members, by level, and the default (not logged in visitors).
Swap Menus Placed via the Appearance > Menus > Theme Locations
This add on will duplicate all wp_nav_menus defined by your theme and create a “members” version as well as a logged-in non-member version. You can customize menus even further by optionally creating a level-specific navigation menu. This can be set on the Edit Membership Level screen under the “Navigation Menu” section.
If you do not set a Menu for a member-specific Theme Location, the menu will fall back to the default as defined by your theme.
The Custom Membership Menu Widget
Navigate to the Appearance > Widgets page in the WordPress Dashboard. Here, you will see a new available widget labeled “PMPro – Custom Membership Menu” that can be placed in any available widget area in your theme.
Widget settings include:
- Title: Set a title to display before the menu items. (optional)
- Members Menu: Select a global menu to display for members of ANY membership level. (optional)
- Logged-in Non-members Menu: Select a global menu to display for logged in users without a membership level. (optional)
Click the link labeled “Click here to set menus for specific levels.” to expand more options. These options will show each active membership level on your site and allow you to assign a unique menu per level.
Menus must be created in the Appearance > Menus page of the WordPress Dashboard prior to selecting them for display in the widget.
Action and Filter Hooks Paid Memberships Pro: Nav Menus
This Add On has a single filter hook that allows you to set the priority of which menu to display when the user has more than one membership level (in the case that you are using the Multiple Memberships Per User Add On – MMPU).
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